
Looking for scholarships from WAM for summer programs? You've come to the right place!

Here's what you need to do!

Find and Apply for a Summer STEAM program

  1. Find a Summer Program related to STEAM that you would like to attend. Here is a list of suggestions. You don't have to pick one off this list.
  2. Apply for the Summer Program that you want to attend per the program guidelines. (Note: This may require submitting a deposit which is the responsibilty of gaurdian.)
  3. Apply for a WAM Scholarship online OR fill out and mail this application once you are accepted to the summer program.
  4. Scholarships are awarded at M3!

How to Apply for a WAM Scholarship

  1. Complete the application.
  2. Compose an essay.
  3. Send the application and essay to Scholarship Review Committee. (Note: All applications must be postmarked by the stated guideline in order to be considered. Incomplete applications are ineligible.)

What do I do when I receive a WAM Scholarship?

Once you are approved for a scholarship, make a copy of the scholarship acceptance letter and do the following:
  1. Confirm the scholarship check recipient name and address. (Note: Scholarship checks will go directly to the program that student will attend.)
  2. Return a signed copy of the scholarship acceptance letter as proof that you have accepted the scholarship and agree to the guidelines. (Note: The student and guardian must sign the letter).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much money does WAM give out each year?
    • around $4000
    • There are upto 8 $500 Scholarships awarded. At the committee's discretion, more or less money can be awarded. If you have specific questions contact
  • Can I apply to a SAT Prep program?
    • Yes!
  • Can I apply to a program that occurs before the scholarships are awarded?
    • Yes! But you will have to pay for the program upfront, and WAM will reimburse you the amount of the scholarship if you win a scholarship.
  • How many students receive scholarships?
    • 8 students!
  • If I'm awarded a scholarship, will it cover the whole amount of the program?
    • The WAM scholarship will cover up to $500 of a program.
  • What is the typical dollar amount awarded?
    • Up to $500!

Examples of Summer Programs

The Math Mentoring Program is funded by Dr. Steve Shafroth, North Carolina Central University, GlaxoSmithKline Inc., Amgen Foundation, and Texas Instruments, Inc, supported by Durham Public Schools, and administered in conjunction with the North Carolina Chapter of the Women And Mathematics Network.